There are four options offered as an answer to this question.
- Patient requested to switch to paper based claiming. That may happen because patient has no access to technology. It is a good practice to accomodate for patient’s request. However, this should be one off event because paper based operations are not productive and not environment friendly.
- Responding to complaints about electronic claiming by switching to manual/paper base doperations is counter-productive. The best practice is to respond to the complaints by fixing the problems and improving customer’s experience.
- Yes, this is true. Switching claiming channels may be a great improvement to productivity and quality of service. The providers of claiming channels (e.g. Medicare Easyclaim, Medicare Online, ECLIPSE and Webclaim) are constantly strive to improve their products. It is a common occurence that one claimng channel becomes more advanced that others. Hence, switching to a new channel is justified for the improved productivity and customer experience. ( I, personally, favour this answer)
- Thsi option is related to the option above. However, the change should not change just for the sake of change. The change should be justified by going to a better product.