This is a tale of an unconventional path to securing a job as a medical receptionist.
A young lady came to our GP clinic one day, not for a doctor’s appointment, but in response to a medical receptionist job ad. She used to be a medical receptionist in Ireland. Wearing a 1950s-style white blouse and speaking in a pleasant Irish accent, she offered to do a three-day work experience. There were no questions about pay, just warm confidence.
Unusual but refreshing, she radiated comfort without being overly bubbly or making jokes. After a brief induction, she seamlessly took over the reception. Her questions were thoughtful, not obtrusive. By day’s end, she fit right in. There were no pay negotiations, just an immediate offer. She worked with us for a couple of years, then returned to Ireland with her husband.
The moral: Her unique approach and warm confidence ultimately landed her the position, teaching us that sometimes, unconventional methods can lead to the perfect fit. Getting a medical receptionist job isn’t just about sending a million resumes out. Calm, kind confidence can be your ticket.
You may choose to boost your impact by enrolling in online courses or even opting for the Certifying Exam for Medical Receptionists. General Practice Training and Consulting provides free online training and a test for medical receptionists. It’s a valuable, no-cost opportunity – seize it!