Practice Policy: Hand Care in the Health Workplace – Overview
Ensuring optimal hand care is vital to maintaining a safe and hygienic healthcare environment. This policy outlines the best practices for hand hygiene, covering fingernail hygiene, skin integrity, and the use of hand creams, as well as guidelines regarding jewellery, nail polish, and artificial nails. The policy minimises infection risks by promoting intact, clean skin and ensuring effective handwashing techniques.
Key principles include keeping nails short and smooth, avoiding harsh brushes that can damage the skin, and using aqueous-based hand creams to prevent dryness without compromising glove integrity. Additionally, staff are expected to adhere to a ‘bare below the elbow’ approach during patient care, removing rings and watches to allow thorough decontamination.
By implementing and following this policy, the healthcare practice supports staff well-being and patient safety, fostering a culture of infection prevention and professional responsibility. Regular reviews and updates ensure the policy aligns with current health standards and infection control guidelines.
Category: Infection control in General Practice, Hand Care Policy.